With more than 6,200 members in over 80 countries and regions, FICPI’s structure and organisation affords numerous opportunities for input and leadership by members with a diverse range of backgrounds and qualifications.  

FICPI’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) committee is leading the way to define and secure engagement with DEIA within the FICPI membership at large as well as its members’ firms, and to encourage IP Offices to do the same. The DEIA committee meets regularly to discuss ways that FICPI can promote the tenets of DEIA amongst innovators and the IP profession.  Please contact us if you would like to get involved.

DIVERSITY is the representation of different kinds of people in FICPI – this includes, but is not limited to, representation across gender, race, nationality, age, sexual orientation, cultural background and physical and mental attributes.

EQUITY is the process of ensuring that processes and programmes are impartial, fair and provide equal possible outcomes for every individual.

INCLUSION means instilling a sense of belonging to the organisation by ensuring that every person has an opportunity to contribute at any level and feels safe in doing so.

ACCESSIBILITY a foundation on which the federation must build diversity, equity and inclusion for people with disabilities.

FICPI embraces the principles of DEIA as a core idea in our culture and business strategy.  For that reason, we have created the Inclusion Project.